To make your posts and comments more readable you should format and structure them. A simple way of doing this is the use of Markdown. Here is a quick guide about the basics (a detailed description can be found here):
# A big title
## A smaller title
### An even smaller title
#### A very small title
Normal text, *Italic text*, **Bold text**
- This
- is an
- unordered list
1. This
2. is an
3. enumeration
A link to [LittlevGL]( website.
> This is a quote
Inline code `char x = 'a';`
A block of code
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
/*Do something*/
To add images simply drag-and-drop them or use the upload button above.

A big title
A smaller title
An even smaller title
A very small title
Normal text, Italic text, Bold text
- This
- is an
- unordered list
- This
- is an
- enumeration
A link to LittlevGL website.
This is a quote
Inline code char x = 'a';
A block of code
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
/*Do something*/
To add images simply drag-and-drop them or use the upload button above.