Error in registering a display to a driver

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All the codes were debugged and there wasn’t any error.
Now I add two sentences of code below, and I get an error message.

lv_disp_t * disp;
lv_disp_drv_register(&disp_drv); /Finally register the driver/

The error I get is at below:

I think the display isn’t registered to a driver.

What MCU/Processor/Board and compiler are you using?

Renesas EK-RA4M2

What do you want to achieve?

I want to register a display to a driver.

What have you tried so far?

I tried to print if disp variable is NULL by ur_print() but i didn’t get any log.

if(disp = lv_disp_drv_register(&disp_drv) == NULL){

I’m using LGVL ver 8.3.5.

Code to reproduce

Add the relevant code snippets here.

The code block(s) should be between ```c and ``` tags:

/*You code here*/
* main() is generated by the RA Configuration editor and is used to generate threads if an RTOS is used.  This function
 * is called by main() when no RTOS is used.
void hal_entry(void)
    /* TODO: add your own code here */

    //*** LVGL INIT & CONFIG ***/
    lv_disp_drv_init(&disp_drv);                /*Basic initialization*/
    lv_disp_draw_buf_init(&disp_buf, buf_1, NULL, SSD1327_BUFFERSIZE );

    /*Initialize `disp_buf` with the buffer(s). With only one buffer use NULL instead buf_2 */
    disp_drv.draw_buf = &disp_buf;              /*Set an initialized buffer*/
    disp_drv.flush_cb = user_flush_cb;          /*Set a flush callback to draw to the display*/
    disp_drv.hor_res = SSD1327_LCDWIDTH;        /*Set the horizontal resolution of the display*/
    disp_drv.ver_res = SSD1327_LCDHEIGHT;       /*Set the vertical resolution of the display*/

    lv_disp_t * disp;
    lv_disp_drv_register(&disp_drv);      /*Finally register the driver*/

#if 0

    if(disp = lv_disp_drv_register(&disp_drv) == NULL){
        uart_print("드라이버 등록 실패");
        uart_print("디스플레이 드라이브 등록 성공");

    Data cur_data = {0, 0};
    Data data_history[MAX_HISTORY_SIZE];

    int num_total = 1;  
    int num_for_avg = 0;  
    int last_data_index = 0;   
    Data avg_data = {0, 0}; 

    int timeout = 0;

    while (1) {
        if(++timeout == 100) {
            timeout = 0;
            //Need to send data to PC using UART
            DHT11_Read (&cur_data.temperature, &cur_data.humidity);
            save_data(cur_data, data_history, &last_data_index, &num_for_avg );
            avg_data = get_average(data_history, num_for_avg);
            UART_print(num_total, cur_data, avg_data);
            delay_ms(1000); // Update every 1 seconds


    /* Enter non-secure code */

Screenshot and/or video

If possible, add screenshots and/or videos about the current state.

what if you will use such code

lv_disp_t * disp = lv_disp_drv_register(&disp_drv); //Finally register the driver

if(disp == NULL){

I get two letters on Tera Term Terminal

and then program falls into
error forever.

So display registered “Success”. The problem is another.

oh thanks a lot.
I just copied and pasted some example codes to the ported project.
I’m using the same code from above.

Thank you. The problem is another. gonna figure it out.

It seems like exception (I can assume that this is HardFault) occures when your appl calls lv_slider_create(). Try to debug it.

oh god thank you🙏 I’ve been spending 4 days on it.
I will try.