About the EdgeLine (archived) category

SquareLine Studio is released so this category is archived.
See https://squareline.io/

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I just want to know how can I get a license?

What kind of license?
EdgeLine is now in Beta and you can simply use it after registering at lvgl.io.

I have already done that but I couldn’t generate C or Micropython code and also my license is trial.

EdgeLine is still in beta.
Code export will be added in the next version.


Is there a plan to support micropython code export?

It’s available in the latest version. See EdgeLine v0.3 is released

Thanks,you’re doing a great job! Keep it up!

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I’m so sorry,i can’t log in edgeline. I’ve tried to log in with a lvgl.io account

What is the error message on the bottom of the screen?

ERROR:Invalid username and password combination

yes,me too

Thanks, I can enter with my email address and password so I assume the login server works correctly.

We’ll add a “Reset password” button soon.

Which country are you in now?

Hungary (Europe). How could it be related?

I wrote my feedback here but I will add new issues here :wink: .

  • I tried make new project today and spotted that path location does not update (v0.3)


Is there way how to use symbols (with label widget) in 0.3 and if not, are you planning to add those?

Good question! It’s not supported now, but we added it as a requirement.

We’ll check the path issue.

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Another question (maybe issue):

What lock on the right side of the widget do? What I tested it disable movement of the widget, but if so, should not child widget inherit lock state from its parent?


I’m sure my email address and password are correct,I can access to the lvgl.io site.