Display freezing problem on ESP32 / ILI9488 / FT6236

I’m trying LVGL on a custom designed board with ESP32 WROVER B & ER-TFT035-6 touch
display. The display is getting frozen, its not changing label values (In Fig 1 Label should
change on BNTMATRIX Press) also screen stucks once its drawn, The Button matrix touch
gives response on terminal but not on Screen, I have set Like: if Password == 1111 , then
another screen should be open but its not. I tried demo benchmark code from lvgl That’s
also Not working Screen is freezed & Got 0 fps result. I have attached full issue report. Looking for help.

Display Issue Report.zip (2.8 MB)


Please try this code: https://github.com/lvgl/lv_examples/blob/release/v7/src/lv_ex_widgets/lv_ex_slider/lv_ex_slider_1.c

Can you drag the slider? Or the screen is only redrawn once?

Problem was solved. It was due to dis_spi.h issue. Thanks for reply & support.

I tried running the example, but nothing appears on the screen.

Hi, sorry for bring up this thread.
I’m facing an issue with my ESP32 S2 WROOM1 from MakerFabs (display link)
Using some examples, like lv_example_observer_4, when i switch from two tabs, immediatly the display freeze.
I’ve other examples where something strange appears: lv_example_arc_1, lv_example_bar_4, lv_example_obj_2…
I’m using this config for the memsize : #define LV_MEM_SIZE (128U * 1024U)
And this one for the buffer : const unsigned int lvBufferSize = ((TFT_HOR_RES * TFT_VER_RES) / 10) * (LV_COLOR_DEPTH / 8);
Any suggestion?! :thinking:
Thanks in advance!