Wireless-Tag WT32-SC01- a thin 3.5-inch Color Touchscreen Display Based on ESP32

what are the pins that i can use without affecting the display?

I used the APSD9960.

Its has been a long time since I have worked with these WT32-SC01’s…
So not sure how I figured it out, guess checking for pin compatibility.
Anyways, it works like a charm :ok_hand:t3:

Hope this helps you along.

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Hi, most of the PIN available on the connectors can be used, except thoses tarting by “J_”.
You can find an example of expansion board for this module here : https://github.com/bsfconception/WT32-SC01

Wireless_tag - are you able to connect other devices to the i2c bus easily? Or does the touchpad prevent this? The documentation for this device is pretty terrible im sorry to say. I can find more information on a Facebook group than i can in the official documentation