Why are text and widgets mirrored?


I’m using an ESP32 board with built-in ILI9341 display driver and 320x240px display (AliExpress board). I’m using PlatformIO and the ESP-IDF platform along with the examples from lv_port_esp32.

Problem description

The text and widgets are mirrored on the display.

How can I mirror the text so that it is correct? - I noticed elsewhere here mention of MADCTL register in ili9341 but there is no obvious way I can see to adjust that without editing the lv_port_esp32 init code. What am I missing?

I think you are correct in saying you have to change the MADCTL bits, this has the ability to flip both horizontally and vertically. However, I have absolutely no clue on how this ILI9341 driver you are using works (or what you are using in the first place), editing registers should be possible with the driver somehow.
Do you have any documentation for the driver you are using? Or a clue where this might be downloaded from?

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Ok, I’ve sorted it. It was the MADCTL settings - the board I am using is not listed in the for lv_port_esp32 options therefore I went with the default settings however they are wrong for this board. I’ve therefore modified lv_port_esp32 to add in this board and it’s working now.