[v9.2.2] How to LV_USE_STDLIB_MALLOC by PSRAM (ps_malloc) on ESP32?


I want to allocate memory from LV_STDLIB_BUILTIN to use PSRAM with ps_malloc on ESP32. Is this possible, and how can it be done?

Thank you.

What MCU/Processor/Board and compiler are you using?

ESP32, ESP32S3

What LVGL version are you using?


What do you want to achieve?

use PSRAM with ps_malloc for widgets

in your sdkconfig file you need to set


optionally you can use menuconfig to configure the project and you can locate that setting in Component config > ESP PSRAM > CONFIG_SPIRAM > SPI RAM config

also I an not sure what ps_malloc is because it is not in the SDK for the ESP32. The memory allocation function for the ESP32 begin with heap_caps_.

Thank you for your response.
Currently, I am using the Arduino platform, and PSRAM has been successfully set up using ESP-IDF as you suggested earlier.

Now, I want to use ps_malloc(…) to replace the default LV_STDLIB_MALLOC, which is currently set to LV_STDLIB_BUILDIN. I intend to change it to LV_STDLIB_CUSTOM in lv_conf.h.

However, I am unsure how to configure it when using LV_STDLIB_CUSTOM. Specifically, how should I set ps_malloc(…) to be called as a custom allocation function?

In earlier versions of LVGL, it was possible to replace malloc with an external function like ps_malloc(…). However, in LVGL 9.x, I don’t understand how to configure this for using external malloc ( ps_malloc(…) .

If you open up src/stdlib/builtin/lv_mem_core_builtin.c in lvgl you will see all of the different memory functions. You need to create your own version of all of those functions. Then set LV_USE_STDLIB_MALLOC to LV_STDLIB_CUSTOM make sure in the C course file that contain your versions of the functions that you include src/stdlib/lv_mem.h as that is where the function prototypes are