
lv_obj_add_flag(btn1, LV_OBJ_FLAG_CHECKABLE);

Here is the solution about your question.
I am Korean and I cannot speak Chinese, so please use Google Translate.


Here is the answer,

이건 기본 상식에 대한 문제라고 생각합니다.
질문을 할 자격이 없는 사람이 물어보면 누가 답을 해줄까요?
제 생각에는 이 포럼에 있는 대부분의 사람들은 영어가 엄마의 언어가 아닙니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 최소한 구글 번역기라도 써서 질문 하는게 예의 아닌가요? 중국사람에게 질문하실꺼면 중국 LVGL포럼에 질문을 올리시고, 중국 LVGL포럼이 없으면 혼자 해결 하세요!
아시아계 전체가 당신때문에 평가절하 받습니다.

이것때문에 구글 번역기 쓰신 다른 사용자에게 죄송합니다.
그러나 제 생각에는 질문 작성자가 다른 언어에 대해 우리가 어떤 수고를 해야되는지 경험해야 된다고 생각합니다.

Sorry about the foreign languges, but I think he need to know what he is doing.


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Dear @jr_ol,
Isn’t that a common sense to make a question which can be understood by whom read that.
Not like you did that. even “Get started” section or not.
How can you understand the Korean?
Do you really want to someone who intends to answer your question, do same thing?

I am also a super newbie at this LVGL.
I just don’t understand why you are still writing your language for this. that is all.
Is it common sense to you ?

English is not my native language. But here I use english - this makes it possible to get help from the largest number of users.

Please use English (or at least include an English translation of your message) on the LVGL forum. Thanks. :slightly_smiling_face:


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lv_obj_add_flag(btn1, LV_OBJ_FLAG_CHECKABLE);
接着用这个函数:void lv_obj_set_style_bg_color(struct _lv_obj_t * obj, lv_color_t value, lv_style_selector_t selector)设置背景色
lv_obj_set_style_bg_color(btn1, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_ORANGE), LV_STATE_CHECKED);
另外lv_obj_set_style_bg_color(btn1, lv_palette_main(LV_PALETTE_ORANGE), LV_STATE_CHECKED);这一句可以参考官方文档的button栏第二个例程倒数第九行lv_obj_add_style(btn1, &style_pr, LV_STATE_PRESSED);

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懂了,原来在设置背景色的时候换成LV_STATE_CHECKED就可以了。非常感谢您 :grinning:

刚刚去看了文档,然后看到了相关说明,之前没有仔细看 :cry:样式 — LVGL 文档

Esto me hace pensar que yo añadiría un punto en las normas del foro, para que todo el mundo utilice el ingles.

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okok.you happy just ok.sbwy

dear @jr_ol
And one more thing, I am sorry about the reply above.
That is not good thing to do.
Anyway learning is always good thing, Hope you keep up!

在一个外国论坛里用英语提问简直是基本都不能再基本的素养了,就算是没有懂中文的来看,那些懂英文的也会来去看可以帮你解决问题。就这臭脾气,还是老实去贴吧里当伸手党吧,搞啥开发呢这… 笑死人了 @jr_ol

That is the basic politeness to post question written in ENGLISH here, an international forum. Even for those who don’t understand Chinese could also help you with it, but instead you kinda spread your rages in others trying to remind you to try ask questions in English. You are lucky that you’re not in Stack Overflow bro, I don’t even want to waste time answer your question even I know the answer to it.




I’m going to lock this post as the original issue is solved and it doesn’t appear that there is much constructive coming out of this discussion (however, I’m using a translator).