Using micropython 1.20 with lvgl stable release 8.3

Is there a way to build micropython 1.20 with lvgl 8.3?

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I have the same question, workin with messed lvgl is really hard because there’s a lot of name and api changing bettwen 8.3 and 9.0, how can I fix only stable releases?

In my case, I just changed a few things to use mp1.20 with lvgl.
below is in my notes,

add_event_cb → add_event(EVENT,None)
set_style_size → set_style_size(w,h)
e.get_target() → e.get_target_obj()
lv.event_send(self.cont, lv.EVENT.SCROLL, None) → self.cont.send_event(lv.EVENT.SCROLL, None)
c0.full(0) → c0.set_int(0)

I’m really new in everything so please be patient with me. I would love to to build micropython 1.20 with lvgl 8.3 too, is it possible? If so, how?


Yes, I have the same problem.
The API changes with each version and I prefer to stay on an old version so I don’t have to learn the new one, but when I clone lv_micropython it takes me directly to v9.

How can I clone an older version of lv_micropython that uses v8.3.0?

(I’m not very experienced with git, if I try to swich branch on the lv_micropython folder, I see the micropython tags instead the lv_micropython ones)

I dont care if is micropython v1.20, v1.19… what I care is to use lvgl v8.3

I recommend to use a git GUI application, that makes git handling simpler.
The LVGL 8.x version is on release/v8 branch.
To switch to that branch using git commands (after repo is already cloned):

git checkout release/v8

git submodule update --recursive

When you switch branches, always update submodules, otherwise you might receive errors during build. Some git GUIs do it automatically, but sometimes you need to do it manually.
Please do not forget to use v8 documentation, because there are a lot of breaking changes in v9.

The v8.3.0 is working now.

Yes, you are right about the git UI tools
