Use converted font without LVGL

At the bottom of the font converter page is the following text:
" To use the Fonts without LVGL you need lv_font.c/h, lv_font_fmt_txt.c/h"

Unfortunately it is not that simple. Those files reference several other header files. It is very difficult to track down what exactly is needed to use only the font.

I’ve done this before with the v5.3 version of the font converter, but that has been taken down.
Is it gone permanently?

Would someone please tell me how I can use just the converted font output by the current font converter “without LVGL”? I would very much appreciate it if I could be pointed to some example code to achieve this.

If it is not possible to use the font without LVGL may I suggest the text I quoted above be removed from the font converter.

I found a solution here: