toggle button, programmatically change it’s state from LV_STATE_CHECKED to LV_STATE_DEFAULT
What MCU/Processor/Board and compiler are you using? ESP32, CYD
What LVGL version are you using? 9.1
What do you want to achieve? The toggle button is labeled to “start” a count down. After toggled the toggle label changes to “stop”… If the countdown finishes successfully I want to programmatically uncheck the button and reset the label to “start”… I could reset the label manually, but I need/want to reset the toggle, which will also reset the toggle label for me.
What have you tried so far?
is this the correct way to check and uncheck a toggle button? I don’t have the hardware with me at the moment and am looking for confirmation. These commands don’t seem really well documented, or at least I couldn’t find them associated much with the button.