This does not work with Arduino C++

uint8_t my_img_data[] = {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, ...};

static lv_image_dsc_t my_img_dsc = {
    .header.always_zero = 0,
    .header.w = 80,
    .header.h = 60,
    .data_size = 80 * 60 * LV_COLOR_DEPTH / 8, = LV_COLOR_FORMAT_NATIVE,          /*Set the color format*/
    .data = my_img_data,

How can I rewrite this C Struct so it work with arduino

I had some issues a few years ago, I think one quick and dirty way (from memory) to solve this is to remove it from the .c file and put it in your main .ino as:

static lv_image_dsc_t my_img_dsc;
my_img_dsc.header.always_zero = 0;
my_img_dsc.header.w = 80;
my_img_dsc.header.h = 60;
my_img_dsc.data_size = 80 * 60 * LV_COLOR_DEPTH / 8; = LV_COLOR_FORMAT_NATIVE;          /*Set the color format*/ = my_img_data;