The code generated using gui-guider1.5 will cause memory leakage when switching screens

Hello, I am using esp32 with a 2.8-inch screen, LVGL version 8.3.2, based on arduino and platformIO development, and using gui-dudider1.5 to generate part of the lvgl code.
When I tried to migrate the code generated by the gui-guider to run it on esp32, I found that when I switched from one screen to another screen that was loaded for the first time, it would increase the memory occupation of a part of the screen, and after deleting the screen, the occupied memory would not be released, but the memory occupation of the screen that was loaded again would not increase. Therefore, switching multiple screens that have not been loaded will cause memory overflow.
I didn’t make too many changes to the generated code, and enabled animation and Delete current screen in the callback function of each screen switch button.
I tried to add “lv_obj_clean” or “lv_style_reset” to the callback function of screen deletion, but it seems to have no effect. I suspect that the generated code initializes too many styles and does not release the memory they occupy after screen deletion, but I do not know how to handle them.
I am a beginner, and my English is not very good. If there is any problem with the translation content, please forgive me.

I spent several hours modifying the code generated by GUI-Guide to let the same parts share a style or use local style instead. This solves the problem of memory overflow. The reason for the overflow is that the GUI-guide creates a style for each part. Even if some parts are identical, this takes up a lot of memory, and they are not released after the screen is deleted.
Although I have solved the memory overflow problem, I still don’t know how to release the memory occupied by the initialized style. I hope someone can tell me how to do it