STM32U599NJ: Display Color and Update Problems


I trying to create a digital gauge.
With an STM32 MCU and a 480x480 32bit DSI display.
I have copied some code from the GitHub - lvgl/lv_port_riverdi_stm32u5 repository. Mainly the dispflush and init. But increased the RAM to 1000K for the larger framebuffer.
The UI is created with Squareline Studio.

What MCU/Processor/Board and compiler are you using?


What LVGL version are you using?


What do you want to achieve?

I configured everything(LTDC, DSI, and make the RAM bigger for the buffer) for 32bit colors the screen stops updating after 2 times. The color sceme is ARGB8888. Now as you can see on the picture below the screen is not displaying the right colors but is also not what is should be.
The lvgl library is “stuck” on waiting for flush. The DMA is not called anymore.

What have you tried so far?

I have tried to go for the 16bit(RGB565) color scheme, now the library is running, but the whole screen is shifted to the right. And the colors are displaying correct.
I have tried lvgl V9 and V8 but no difference.

Code to reproduce

I have made an github repo, so you have all the software for review.
The code is in C++ with a wrapper for the lvgl stuff bit that should not be a problem as I used this kind of style with a previous project.

I really hope someone can point me in the right direction on how to fix this, I already tried so much.

Screenshot and/or video