Simulator on vscode error

After including the project to vscode, installing the SDL and updating all the includes to the direct path cause it does not find them from the property file on the .vscode i have no error in console but if fails to debug cause o the next text. (i am working on mac os and installed the sdl from the latest version by copy into Library/Framework)

/usr/bin/clang -fcolor-diagnostics -fansi-escape-codes -g /Users/kyrpav/workspace/lvgl/lv_sim_vscode_sdl/main/src/main.c -o /Users/kyrpav/workspace/lvgl/lv_sim_vscode_sdl/main/src/main
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
“_SDL_CreateThread”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
“_SDL_Delay”, referenced from:
_tick_thread in main-0638d6.o
“_keyboard_init”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
“_keyboard_read”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
“_lv_demo_widgets”, referenced from:
_main in main-0638d6.o
“_lv_disp_draw_buf_init”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
“_lv_disp_drv_init”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
“_lv_disp_drv_register”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
“_lv_disp_get_default”, referenced from:
_lv_scr_act in main-0638d6.o
“_lv_disp_get_scr_act”, referenced from:
_lv_scr_act in main-0638d6.o
“_lv_disp_set_theme”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
“_lv_font_montserrat_14”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
“_lv_group_create”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
“_lv_group_set_default”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
“_lv_img_create”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
“_lv_img_set_src”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
“_lv_indev_drv_init”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
“_lv_indev_drv_register”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
“_lv_indev_set_cursor”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
“_lv_indev_set_group”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
“_lv_init”, referenced from:
_main in main-0638d6.o
“_lv_palette_main”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
“_lv_theme_default_init”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
“_lv_tick_inc”, referenced from:
_tick_thread in main-0638d6.o
“_lv_timer_handler”, referenced from:
_main in main-0638d6.o
“_monitor_flush”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
“_monitor_init”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
“_mouse_cursor_icon”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
“_mouse_init”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
“_mouse_read”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
“_mousewheel_init”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
“_mousewheel_read”, referenced from:
_hal_init in main-0638d6.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

Build finished with error(s).

Any solutions?

I have the same problem. Did you find the solution