Screen freezes when using LVGL v8.0.0 on Arduino IDE


Screen freezes when using LVGL v8.0.0 on Arduino IDE

What MCU/Processor/Board and compiler are you using?

Compiler: Arduino IDE.

What LVGL version are you using?

lvgl v8.0.0.

What do you want to achieve?

I want to use the latest version for my projects.

What have you tried so far?

I tried to use lvgl v8.0.0 in the Arduino IDE, but the screen freezes.

Code to reproduce

LVGL80.h (3.5 KB)

Screenshot and/or video

I don’t think it will be necessary

Does it render anything at all? Did you enable TRACE logging and check whether an error gets printed?

Yes it renders.


[Info]  (0.000, +0)      lv_init: begin         (in lv_obj.c line #91)
[Info]  (0.000, +0)      lv_obj_create: begin   (in lv_obj.c line #177)
[Info]  (0.000, +0)      lv_obj_create: begin   (in lv_obj.c line #177)
[Info]  (0.000, +0)      lv_obj_create: begin   (in lv_obj.c line #177)
[Info]  (0.000, +0)      lv_arc_create: begin   (in lv_arc.c line #67)
[Info]  (0.000, +0)      lv_obj_update_layout: Layout update begin      (in lv_obj_pos.c line #330)
[Info]  (0.000, +0)      lv_obj_update_layout: Layout update begin      (in lv_obj_pos.c line #330)
[Info]  (0.000, +0)      lv_obj_update_layout: Layout update begin      (in lv_obj_pos.c line #330)
[Info]  (0.000, +0)      lv_obj_update_layout: Layout update begin      (in lv_obj_pos.c line #330)
[Info]  (0.000, +0)      lv_label_create: begin         (in lv_label.c line #75)

Can someone help me?