What MCU/Processor/Board and compiler are you using?
TTGO T-Watch 2020 / LVGL v7.0
What do you experience?
I created a small mario bros animation where the character jumps at regular interval. See the following video.
As you can see in the video, from time to time, the image gets dirty and white pixels are rendered around the character.
Any idea why this is happening?
I created a minimal firmware showing the issue: https://github.com/wizche/flickering-mario
The demo app switches the image each second, we see that at every switch some pixels stay dirty from previous bitmap.
Thanks a lot
Hi @kisvegabor, thanks for the suggestion, are u testing with the T-Watch 2020?
I did ur changes (and commited to the repository) but I keep getting the same issue.
Its kind of painful that I cannot include links in the post.
I added the video to the repository readme.
What site are you trying to link to? I may be able to add it to the exceptions list for new users. Links to most sites are disabled initially because we get a lot of bots trying to post junk.
I didnt tried in a simulator, but I suspect is related to the lvgl implementation for the twatch. But I dont get any updates in the issue I opened at the SDK github: https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/TTGO_TWatch_Library/issues/56
I wanted to include the github repository and youtube link in the repository README.