Radial (complex) gradient stopped working?

I had been using LVGL 9.1 (and NuttX), with some cherry picked commits including the new complex gradient feature to get a pretty background for some of the screens/widgets I am using. Along the way I moved to using 9.2 release and have been working on other screens.

I now find that the radial gradient is no longer present, either with V9.2 or my 9.1+cherry picks. Or Master, for that matter.

I suspect I have enabled or disabled or changed something that has caused this but I can’t see any obvious dependencies. The calls to the style setup, and subsequent adding of it where required seem to take place, but no gradient background.

Is there something I might have done that would “break” this?

v9.1 does not support radial gradient and other complex gradient.
v9.2 does support them,
but you must set

Yes, of course. My 9.1 had cherry picked the commit for radial gradients and it worked. The Kconfig settting is, of course, done.