POSIX file system on windows


When I use POSIX filesystem on windows the images are now shown.

What MCU/Processor/Board and compiler are you using?

Windows Intel system

What LVGL version are you using?


What do you want to achieve?

I want to show images using POSIX

What have you tried so far?

When using WIN32 I can se the images

Code to reproduce

This what I have on lv_conf.h

/*API for open, read, etc*/
#define LV_USE_FS_POSIX 1
    #define LV_FS_POSIX_LETTER 'X'
    #define LV_FS_POSIX_PATH ""         /*Set the working directory. File/directory paths will be appended to it.*/
    #define LV_FS_POSIX_CACHE_SIZE  0   /*>0 to cache this number of bytes in lv_fs_read()*/

/*API for CreateFile, ReadFile, etc*/
#define LV_USE_FS_WIN32 0
    #define LV_FS_WIN32_LETTER  'X'    /*Set an upper cased letter on which the drive will accessible (e.g. 'A')*/
    #define LV_FS_WIN32_PATH ""         /*Set the working directory. File/directory paths will be appended to it.*/
    #define LV_FS_WIN32_CACHE_SIZE 0    /*>0 to cache this number of bytes in lv_fs_read()*/

If change from POSIX to WIN32 I can see images otherwise it shows a no data label

Screenshot and/or video

On WIN32:

When using POSIX:

Hello, have you resolved this issue?

Hi! Not really.

I was looking for something that would work for both windows and linux, so I’m using the old api fopen, fread, etc: