[Open Source] Example of LVGL on Square Screen

Example of LVGL on Square Screen


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STM32 H7R Project

Pure UI code

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It’s unbelievable! I wonder what your motivation is to create such complex UIs. :star_struck:

I’ve noticed that in a lot of cases the FPS drops to ~10, but the CPU usage remains low. Do you a GPU?

Also, what is the resolution of the screen?

And lastly, I’d be happy to share this video. If the boards can be purchased somewhere I can add the link too.

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Thank you! :grinning:

This is the teaching case I prepared for the LVGL course (soon open sourced), which has not yet been launched on overseas sales platforms. This is the sales link within China: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=765173717673

  1. Use LV_DISPLAY_RENDER_MODE_PARTIAL + DMA2D (LVGL V9.1.1, not used RTOS, LV_DEF_REFR_PERIOD is 30), GPU not yet used.
  2. 480*480 pixel

DMA2D is a GPU but it’s not supported in v9.1 yet. (Will be added in a few days)


It’s not clear enough here, GPU2D hasn’t been used yet.

whoa, that’s amazing!
What about GPU2D(NeoChrom)?

I also want to know how to use the GPU 2D of the STM32H7R/S, and the official document does not have too much introduction of this aspect, if there is any progress can you share with us?

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STM32 H7R Project

Pure UI code