On chart, cant see x tick texts, lv_chart_set_margin not present in LVGL version


On the chart, I am attempting to put labels for the X and Y axis without success. I read that we are supposed to use lv_chart_set_margin. I tried 3 different versions of LVGL and they don’t have that function.

What MCU/Processor/Board and compiler are you using?

3 different environments:

  • codeblocks simulator
  • micropython environment from lv_chart web page
  • Atmel ARM32, arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe

What LVGL version are you using?

  • codeblocks simulator has 7.4-dev
  • I don’t know where to find the LVGL version on the live micropython
  • On atmel project, I am using v7.7.2

What do you want to achieve?

I like to add labels for the chart vertical and horizontal divisions. Only little ticks appear without text.

What have you tried so far?

lv_chart_set_margin does not compile. I tried searching the whole library with a text editor and it does not appear anywhere.

Code to reproduce

In codeblocks simulator with 7.4-dev:

in lv_conf.h :
#define LV_USE_CHART 1

 void lv_ex_chart_web(void)
    /*Create a chart*/
    lv_obj_t * chart;
    chart = lv_chart_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
    lv_obj_set_size(chart, 200, 150);
    lv_obj_align(chart, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);
    lv_chart_set_type(chart, LV_CHART_TYPE_LINE);   /*Show lines and points too*/

    /*Add two data series*/
    lv_chart_series_t * ser1 = lv_chart_add_series(chart, LV_COLOR_RED);
    lv_chart_series_t * ser2 = lv_chart_add_series(chart, LV_COLOR_GREEN);

    /*Set the next points on 'ser1'*/
    lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser1, 10);
    lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser1, 10);
    lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser1, 10);
    lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser1, 10);
    lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser1, 10);
    lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser1, 10);
    lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser1, 10);
    lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser1, 30);
    lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser1, 70);
    lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser1, 90);

    /*Directly set points on 'ser2'*/
    ser2->points[0] = 90;
    ser2->points[1] = 70;
    ser2->points[2] = 65;
    ser2->points[3] = 65;
    ser2->points[4] = 65;
    ser2->points[5] = 65;
    ser2->points[6] = 65;
    ser2->points[7] = 65;
    ser2->points[8] = 65;
    ser2->points[9] = 65;

   /* lv_chart_set_margin(chart, 40);*/
    lv_chart_set_x_tick_texts(chart, "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n", 0, LV_CHART_AXIS_DRAW_LAST_TICK);

    lv_chart_set_x_tick_length(chart, 5, 8);
    lv_chart_set_y_tick_texts(chart, "123\n456\n789\n5a\n", 2, LV_CHART_AXIS_DRAW_LAST_TICK | LV_CHART_AXIS_INVERSE_LABELS_ORDER);
    lv_chart_set_y_tick_length(chart, 5, 8);

    lv_chart_refresh(chart); /*Required after direct set*/

In micropython web environment that is available from chart web page:

won’t compile

Screenshot and/or video

If possible, add screenshots and/or videos about the current state.

I found a way to do the margins from the lv_widgets_demo.c:
Just use:

 lv_obj_set_style_local_pad_left(chart,  LV_CHART_PART_BG, LV_STATE_DEFAULT, 4 * (LV_DPI / 10));
    lv_obj_set_style_local_pad_bottom(chart,  LV_CHART_PART_BG, LV_STATE_DEFAULT, 3 * (LV_DPI / 10));

Full code:

 void lv_ex_chart_web(void)
    /*Create a chart*/
    lv_obj_t * chart;
    chart = lv_chart_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
  /*  lv_obj_set_size(chart, 200, 150);*/
    lv_obj_align(chart, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);
    lv_chart_set_type(chart, LV_CHART_TYPE_LINE);   /*Show lines and points too*/

    /*Add two data series*/
    lv_chart_series_t * ser1 = lv_chart_add_series(chart, LV_COLOR_RED);
    lv_chart_series_t * ser2 = lv_chart_add_series(chart, LV_COLOR_GREEN);

    /*Set the next points on 'ser1'*/
    lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser1, 10);
    lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser1, 10);
    lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser1, 10);
    lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser1, 10);
    lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser1, 10);
    lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser1, 10);
    lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser1, 10);
    lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser1, 30);
    lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser1, 70);
    lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser1, 90);

    /*Directly set points on 'ser2'*/
    ser2->points[0] = 90;
    ser2->points[1] = 70;
    ser2->points[2] = 65;
    ser2->points[3] = 65;
    ser2->points[4] = 65;
    ser2->points[5] = 65;
    ser2->points[6] = 65;
    ser2->points[7] = 65;
    ser2->points[8] = 65;
    ser2->points[9] = 65;

    lv_obj_set_style_local_pad_left(chart,  LV_CHART_PART_BG, LV_STATE_DEFAULT, 4 * (LV_DPI / 10));
    lv_obj_set_style_local_pad_bottom(chart,  LV_CHART_PART_BG, LV_STATE_DEFAULT, 3 * (LV_DPI / 10));

    /*  lv_obj_set_style_local_pad_right(chart,  LV_CHART_PART_BG, LV_STATE_DEFAULT, 2 * (LV_DPI / 10));*/
    /*  lv_obj_set_style_local_pad_top(chart,  LV_CHART_PART_BG, LV_STATE_DEFAULT, 2 * (LV_DPI / 10));*/
    lv_chart_set_y_tick_length(chart, 0, 0);
    lv_chart_set_x_tick_length(chart, 0, 0);
    /* lv_chart_set_margin(chart, 40);*/
    lv_chart_set_x_tick_texts(chart, "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n", 0, LV_CHART_AXIS_DRAW_LAST_TICK);

    lv_chart_set_x_tick_length(chart, 5, 8);
    lv_chart_set_y_tick_texts(chart, "123\n456\n789\n5a\n", 2, LV_CHART_AXIS_DRAW_LAST_TICK | LV_CHART_AXIS_INVERSE_LABELS_ORDER);
    lv_chart_set_y_tick_length(chart, 5, 8);

    lv_chart_refresh(chart); /*Required after direct set*/

Hey Maybe u should try this func:
lv_chart_set_x_tick_length(chart, 0, 0);
it decides the length of the tick,the “line” connecting to the txt label below.
Then u would see the txt label showing in the right place.

see the difference below:


Hope this can help u!