Multi language support

Hi ,
is there any tutorial or video or step by step guideline for how to achieve Milti language support in application ?

i am trying to implement but failed as i didnot find proper guideline or cannot achieve with only github documentation.

i think this article is not enough for beginners as HOW TO DO ? WHAT TO DO? is there any simple way to implement this?
or please can you anyone share any code which is successfully implemented.

Thank you.

The documentation you provided is sufficient to build the application. First of all you need mark up multlanguage strings you want to translate in your appl - use _ and _p functions as in example _("title1").
Next steps are:

  • Create template yml files for the translations
  • Run extract to fill the yml files - this step search texts marked with _ and _p in all your sources files and pit those texts into yml
  • Add the translations into the yml files
  • Run compile to convert the yml files to a C and H file - this step convert translations from yml files into lv_i18n.c and lv_i18n.h files which you should add into your project to enable translation.

Thats all.
If in the future new multilingual strings appear in the program you will have to repeat:

  • extract texts to fill yml
  • add translation for new strings into the yml
  • recompile yml to c

However, you should keep in mind that using lv_i18n_set_locale("ru-RU"); to change the language will not replace the text already drawn on the screen. You will have to re-draw all the labels.