Menu Header: change text after creation


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Change menu Title Text after creation

What have you tried so far?

        mySidebarMenu = lv_menu_page_create(myMenu, "Title");

        // somewhere else
        obj = lv_menu_get_sidebar_header(mySidebarMenu);
        lv_label_set_text(lv_obj_get_child(obj,-1), "new title"); //not working!

How do I get the label object to change the title of a menu page

Thank you for your help.

void lv_menu_page_set_title(lv_obj_t* menu_page, const char* title){
  lv_menu_page_t * page = (lv_menu_page_t *)menu_page;
  page->title = (char*) lv_mem_realloc(page->title, strlen(title) + 1);
  strcpy(page->title, title);

lv_menu_page_set_title(mySidebarMenu , "New Title");

Thank you for your help.
your solution updates the page->title correctly but does not re-renders the screen. Only when I hop to another menu point and go back the title is rendered with the new value.

Do you have a Idea to force to render the page (or better only the header)?

tnx Chris

void lv_menu_page_set_title(lv_obj_t* menu_page, const char* title){
  lv_menu_page_t * page = (lv_menu_page_t *)menu_page;
  page->title = (char*) lv_mem_realloc(page->title, strlen(title) + 1);
  strcpy(page->title, title);

Sorry still no update :frowning: of the header title.
The coordinates calculated in lv_obj_invalidate(menu_page); seams correct.
I don’t have in circuit debugging capabilities so I can’t dig deeper.

Sorry , change to lv_event_send(…) instead.

void lv_menu_page_set_title(lv_obj_t* menu_page, const char* title){
  lv_menu_page_t * page = (lv_menu_page_t *)menu_page;
  page->title = (char*) lv_mem_realloc(page->title, strlen(title) + 1);
  strcpy(page->title, title);
  lv_event_send(menu_page, LV_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED, 0);
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Great! That does the trick. Thank you.
I’m just learning lvgl. Learned a little bit more: “I have to look into the lvgl events”.