Managing Groups with Multiple Tabs in LVGL


I have a feature in my project with three tabs, and I frequently switch between them without deleting any of the tabs. I’m looking for a way to manage groups so that only the objects on the currently active tab are clickable and visible, while objects from other tabs are hidden and non-clickable.

Is there a built-in method or a recommended approach in LVGL to handle this scenario effectively, particularly with groups or any other functionality that ensures only the objects on the visible tab are interactable?

Thank you for your assistance!

“Is there a way to get the objects on the current screen and make only these objects clickable?”

I don’t understand. Doesn’t tabview already hide other objects?

I would like to navigate using the tab key, but I’m currently able to navigate through objects that are not on the current screen. I need a way to ensure that only the objects visible on the current screen are clickable, while other objects are not accessible or interactable.
I have multiple screens, and they are not destroyed when switching between them. Creating separate groups for each screen to manage the objects is not practical. I need a solution to ensure that only objects on the currently visible screen are clickable, without manually creating groups for every screen."