LVGL with Waveshare ESP32-S3-Touch-LCD-2.8

I am trying to use Waveshare ESP32-S3-Touch-LCD-2.8 with LVGL in Arduino IDE. The display uses CST328 as touch driver and hence touch library from waveshare demo code have to be used as touch library.

I managed to get touch working. The serial monitor prints out the co-ordinates of the touch, but i am trying to integrate it with lv_example_get_started_2.

Can anybody help with the same? I am uploading the codes I used. The .ino and .cpp folders are uploaded in .txt format.

Touch_CST328.cpp.txt (6.5 KB)
Touch_CST328.h (2.6 KB)
LVGL_Waveshare.txt (4.8 KB)

Thank you in advance.

Hi, I’m new to the forum… I bought few days ago ESP32 S3 2.8 inches to port Elecrow 2.8 working well with lvgl on this display.
Nothing works, dark display. Same issue as you ? did you succeed to display something with Arduino ?
Would someone be grateful enough to help ?
Thx a lot in advance !
This display seems to be nice, but wiki and support of Waveshere lack of infos, and so few good examples…

No, I have managed to get output with LVGL. As the touch driver of my display is uncommon(CST328), I have to use the library provided by waveshare.
When I touch the screen, the touch library prints out the co-ordinates in the serial monitor. But, there is no change on LVGL.

Your seems like some issue with pin declaration.