LVGL with ESP32-S2 Kaluga v1.3


Hello I am trying to use the ESP32-S2 Kaluga kit v1.3 and the LCD screen that comes with it ESP-LyraP-LCD32 v1.2 (ILI9341 driver), I am having a hard time even displaying/running any lvgl demo on the screen.

What MCU/Processor/Board and compiler are you using?

I am using PlatformIO to run the LVGL library with espidf framework.

What do you want to achieve?

Just run any demo and see the result on my screen, all I want is the ability to do this and once I know how to set up everything I will take care of anything else.

What have you tried so far?

I have tried the lv_platformio repository but adding
platform = espressif32
board = esp32-s2-kaluga-1
framework = espidf
to platformio.ini instead of what is specified on the readme, I have tried also adding the LVGL library from the platformio project aswell with no succes. Please someone help me, I am new to microcontrollers and LVGL