LVGL视频教程(基于v8版本) LVGL video tutorial (based on V8 version)

LVGL视频教程(基于v8版本) Lvgl video tutorial (based on V8 version)




基于LVGL V8版本


名称 时长
1-1-1_走进LVGL 12:36
1-1-2_获取课程资料 11:50
1-2-1_windows PC模拟器(codeblocks)运行LVGL 09:38
1-2-2_STM32F103运行LVGL(keil工程) 04:41
1-2-3_IMX6ULL运行LVGL(Makefile) 16:31
2-1_对象(lv_obj_t) 10:18
2-2-1_基础对象(lv_obj) 18:02
2-2-2_基础对象的大小(size) 09:56
2-2-3_基础对象的位置(position) 19:47
2-2-4_基础对象的盒子模型(border-box) 20:20
2-2-5_基础对象的样式(styles) 35:50
2-2-6_1_基础对象的事件(events) 26:36
2-2-6_2_基础对象的事件(事件冒泡) 17:46
3-1-1_标签(lv_label)的用法 35:20
3-1-2_标签(lv_label)显示中文 23:11
3-1-3_解决无法显示中文的问题 02:54
3-2-1_按钮(lv_btn)的用法 11:23
3-2-2_为什么创建出来的不同部件会不一样? 11:25



LVGL video tutorial

Take you to learn lvgl step by step!

Based on LVGL V8.

Course Directory:

Name Duration
1-1-1_Into LVGL 12:36
1-1-2_Get Course Materials 11:50
1-2-1_windows PC emulator (codeblocks) running LVGL 09:38
1-2-2_STM32F103 running LVGL (keil project) 04:41
1-2-3_IMX6ULL run LVGL(Makefile) 16:31
2-1_object(lv_obj_t) 10:18
2-2-1_Base Object (lv_obj) 18:02
2-2-2_Base object size (size) 09:56
2-2-3_Position of the base object 19:47
2-2-4_The box model of the base object (border-box) 20:20
2-2-5_Styles of the base object 35:50
2-2-6_1_Events of the base object 26:36
2-2-6_2_Events of the base object (event bubbling) 17:46
3-1-1_How to use the label (lv_label) 35:20
3-1-2_label (lv_label) display Chinese 23:11
3-1-3_Solve the problem that Chinese cannot be displayed 02:54
3-2-1_How to use the button (lv_btn) 11:23
3-2-2_Why are the styles of different widget created different? 11:25

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