LVGL v8 is available for testing!

Yes, the documentation is being updated.

I have tested some examples with V8 version ( i use Arduino Due & RA8875 with DMA SPI)
Demo_widgets works fine now, i still get a little bug with demo_keypad_encoder :

  1. The message box open on the left side of then screen even if i change lv_obj_center(mbox); to lv_obj_align(mbox,LV_ALIGN_BOTTOM_MID,0,0);

  2. All the widgets stay on the left side of the screenā€¦ but if i change LV_FLEX_FLOW_COLUMN in ā€œlv_obj_set_flex_flow functionā€ i can observe some changes but i canā€™t put the widget in the middle of screenā€¦


A simple one - did I miss an ā€œannouncementā€ of what benefits v8 offers vs. v7?! I canā€™t seem to find that; I have been aware of its upcoming release on here, and even briefly tried to convert until the number of breaking changes put me off for a bit :slight_smile: But is there a simple elevator pitch about what changed, whats new and better, whats gone, etc?

The ā€œpitchā€ hasnā€™t been written yet, as there are indeed a number of breaking changes. :wink:

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I just tested the very last code and itā€™s ok now : no more bugs with Widget and Encoder examplesā€¦ (iā€™ll test the others examples next week end)ā€¦
Very nice result, well done!!!
Best regards

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v8 Itā€™s very comfortable to use.
Unfortunately why not the mouse over effect?,
Because Iā€™m going to use it on my PC.

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Itā€™s on the roadmap, just not with top priority. It will come in v8.1 or v8.2.

I liked the keyboard layout.

when V8 will release ?


I continued testing version 8 today (yersterday 's version):

  • Demo_Widget is ok but it use 98% of the Due flash memory (lot of .c pictures!)ā€¦ and i have 30k of free sram for an applicationā€¦

  • Demo_Encoder : no problem

  • Demo_Benchmark is ok (w/ poor but common results!!)

  • Demo_Stress_ : everything is ok except the test w/ dropdown (case 11: ) lv_dropdown_open(obj) crash the code

I didnā€™t test Demo_Music because it doesnā€™t fit in the due flash.

I also tested the Lv_File_system and .bin image from SD Card : itā€™s ok ā€¦ (i think itā€™s a good solution to save flash memory).


I agree that demo_widgets has high flash memory usage. The simplest solution is probably to add a ā€œlow memoryā€ option that reduces the number of font sizes being used (there are many right now) and also disables the images.

Iā€™d rather check if the font is enabled and if so use it. If not, print a warning and use a default font.
The problem is that the widget demo now uses 3 times more fonts because the display size is set in run time and the fonts need to be enabled for all screen sizes.

See here:

Yes; thatā€™s an issue. I wonder if we can reduce the number of fonts being used by the demo when they arenā€™t enabled. Maybe we should just have a normal font and small font for each display?

I had the pleasure of running V8 on VS Studio. I ran some of the widget examples and found that some of the widgets were much improved and enhanced(APIs) over V7, but I didnā€™t fully grasp them yet, so I was looking forward to the documentation.

Iā€™ve improved the font usage. Now every screen size uses only 2 fonts instead of 4.
A fallback is also added to LV_FONT_DEFAULT if a font is not enabled.

Great! Looking forward to hear your feedback! :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve just tested the Meter example3, the analog clock, which is much more powerful and easier to use than V7.At the same time, I also found several problems (maybe my method is wrong).

  • 1 The order of layers in the needle is based on the order in which the scale was created, not the order in which the needle was added.

  • 2 After IMG was used to add the needle, there was still a black dot in the center.I think in general we wish it didnā€™t exist, but I havenā€™t found a way to remove it yet.

  • 3 In some cases the needle layers get out of order. My original order is hour->;min->SEC (bottom to top), when I only update min and hour, changes to min- >;hour->sec

  • 4 IMG is very serrated when rotated to a non-horizontal or vertical Angle.

  • 5 I want to set the defalt theme to dark and change the define in LV_conf. H like this

/ * 1: Light mode;0: Dark mode*/


but it didnā€™t work.

thatā€™s all.if you found i have go a wrong way, please tell me konw.

By the way, I plan to make a watch with the following effect based on meter.I havenā€™t found an artist to help me design the images. I guess Iā€™ll have to learn Photoshop, but itā€™s in my plans anyway.I will share it with you here when it is finished.

I also ran into that issue and fixed it in master; please pull again and it should work. (Update: since my commit the define name has been changed to LV_THEME_DEFAULT_DARK and the number was inverted.)

It might be a limitation of having a 1-pixel thick needle, as I canā€™t think of a simple way to keep the thickness equal between angles that are multiples and not multiples of 90 degrees. FWIW Iā€™ve seen this issue occur in browsers as well when rotating images.

The best workaround is probably to use a thicker needle so the effect is less obvious.

Thank you so much for replying to me so soon, I will try.Do you have a good solution to my second question? Because when making a needle with an image, we usually design the center mark on the needle image, so the extra center black dot will look inconsistent and destroy the original design effect.

I havenā€™t tested it, but from reading through the meter code, setting bg_opa to be transparent on the gaugeā€™s LV_PART_INDICATOR should work.