LVGL setup for Makerfab Matouch 7inc display - HELP

Hi, I’m struggling to make work my Makerfabs Matouch 7 inc display with LVGL with Arduino IDE on Windows 10.
Is there someone that was able to make it work?
I use LVGL on other display such as CYD always based on ESP32 even if with some differences.
I’m searaching for a clear guide to setup the enviroment, and how to setup the TFT_eSPI User_setup file and lvgl_conf.h file for this board.

Board Specs:

  • Controller: ESP32-S3-WROOM-1, PCB Antenna, 16MB Flash, 8MB PSRAM, ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N16R8

  • Wireless: Wifi& Bluetooth 5.0

  • LCD: 7 inch High Lightness IPS

  • FPS: >30

  • Resolution: 800480/1024600

  • LCD interface: RGB 565

  • Touch Panel: 5 Points Touch, Capacitive

  • Touch Panel Driver: GT911

  • USB: Dual USB Type-C(one for USB-to-UART and one for native USB)

  • UART to UART Chip: CP2104

  • Power Supply: USB Type-C 5.0V(4.0V~5.25V)

  • Button: Flash button and reset button

  • Mabee interface: 1I2C;1GPIO

  • MicroSD: Yes

  • Arduino support: Yes

  • Type-C Power Delivery: Not Supported

  • Operation temperature: -40℃ to +85℃


Unfortunately TFT_eSPI doesnt support this display type.

Did you try following the tutorial here?


Yes I did, but I can’t compile the code. I received a lot of compilation error like this:

E:\Documenti\Arduino\clock\clock.ino:23:8: error: 'lv_disp_draw_buf_t' does not name a type; did you mean 'lv_draw_buf_t'?
 static lv_disp_draw_buf_t draw_buf;

In this case I was using the AdafruitGFX library.
thanks for your time.

What version of lvgl did you install?

I installed lvl v9.1.0


Try 8x or follow the upgrade documentation:

The link I did supply had it’s own version of LVGL, Did you miss that?

So you suggest to try an older version i guess. I can try but I’m working with other other boards that are using 9.1.0.
But how can i make the board work also with the latest release? I would like to be able to configure the environment to make the device work, without remain stuck to the Makerfab old code.

I already posted the upgrade notes:

I solved this problem using lovyanGFX and lvgl9