Hi All,
I have been using LVGL for translation and I got French, Spanish, Chinese and Russian languages working in my product. LVGL was great.
Now I am trying to get the Arabic language working. We are using ‘DejaVuSans’ font and I have modified the lv_conf.h with the following changes.
#define LV_USE_BIDI 1
I can see the Arabic rendered on the GUI of my device, but the letters are disconnected and it is not smooth (There is space between letters). I am not an Arabic speaker, but we took some professional help and came to know that the letters are disconnected.
I have tried enabling ‘LV_USE_ARABIC_PERSIAN_CHARS’ , but after enabling that I can only see square blocks, which I assume that the LVGL is not able to find the proper bitmap for that letter.
I was wondering what I am doing wrong, please let me know if I am missing something.
The following image is a capture, where it has to display Arabic version of “Message History”, But we can see that the letters are disconnected.