“lv_event_send” migration from v8 to v9


I try to see if I can migrate my project to v9.1 from v8.3 how ever the lv_event_send has changed quite a lot, and the documentation page is not reflecting the change.

What MCU/Processor/Board and compiler are you using?

What LVGL version are you using?


What do you want to achieve?

send event

What have you tried so far?

The code block(s) should be formatted like:

		lv_event_t e;
		lv_memzero(&e, sizeof(e));
		e.user_data = &arc_dsc;
		e.current_target = obj;
		e.original_target = obj;
		lv_event_send((lv_event_list_t *)obj, &e, true);
		lv_draw_arc(layer, &arc_dsc);
		lv_event_send((lv_event_list_t *)obj, &e, false);

This code generates an exception in lv_event_send it seems you cannot cast obj to lv_event_list_t
How to use lv_event_send correctly?

Found it, the code snipped in the documentation is not updated.
Have to use lv_obj_event_send

hello,I could not found the api lv_event_send in lvglV9.2,could you please tell me how to solve this problem?I meet the same issue

In LVGL v9, lv_event_send is not available anymore. You need to use lv_obj_event_send instead to send events. Just replace lv_event_send with lv_obj_event_send in your code, and it should work. Check the updated documentation for more details