LVGL v8.3.5 C on an STM32F469I discovery
I use an lv_arc in my project but the value text does not show. I used ITM debug to show that the value changed callback was being called o.k. As the arc point is changed I see the correct value change in ITM debug.
So I commented out my code, enabled build examples in lv_conf.h and used lv_example_arc_1(), which also operates o.k. but without the label text. The graphic draws o.k. but without text.
I tried lv_example_slider_1() and this works o.k. including test. I tried black and white backgrounds.
I assume this must be a setting in my lv_conf.h but don’t know what. So if anybody has experienced the same problem or has an idea what could be wrong, I would be grateful to read.
I have not supplied any code as I am using the lv_port_stm32f469_Disco and the example lv_example_arc_1
Thanks in anticipation.