Loaf ttf font at runtime

So I know you can convert ttf from online tool https://lvgl.io/tools/fontconverter and offline version here https://github.com/lvgl/lv_font_conv

Altough I wish to load the ttf at runtime. (on Lvgl init or on specific call).
I saw there was some kind of discution about this here

But how can I achieve this ?
I suppose the offline tool can create the bitmap which I should then point too ?
My HW have enough memory to support this.

If you want to load a TTF file at runtime I’d suggest using FreeType.

I see, altough I have an issue with LV_SYMBOL_DOWN, LV_SYMBOL_UP and so on.
Those symbole seem to be hardcode in the montserrat font, so when I load a new font for dropdown list then they not appear.
If I don’t load then some of my text do not appear. =(

The built in fonts are mixed from more fonts (Montserrat + FontAwesome). To do the same you need some tricks. Initialize more fonts in FreeType and use the correct one in the font’s callbacks based on the character code.

lv_lib_freetpye can be a good starting point.