

Sorry for my poor English.I am using Google to translate automatically.

Just started learning littleVGL, I built a qq group, welcome everyone to join the discussion, learn from each other, and improve together!
Group number: 859864885

In English please. :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry for my poor English.I am using Google to translate automatically.

littleVGL is a very good UI, thank you for your sharing. but the Chinese materials are too few, I have just established a QQ group, I hope to learn from the QQ group to help you master the use of littleVGL as soon as possible.

Sounds great!

The documentation will be translated to Chinese soon. I hope it will help.

thank you very much.:heart_eyes:
That would be very convenient. Now, I have to learn from the English version and the translated version.

where to get stm32f469 standard library littleVGL

There is no “standard library”, but there is a pre-made project for the DISCO board: https://github.com/littlevgl/lv_port_stm32f469_disco_sw4stm32

thanks ,but i don’t hal library,

Does this mean you don’t want to use the standard HAL library, or you don’t have the library? Either one makes sense in this context.

For the former case, you will have to create a new project and port it yourself. For the latter case, all the source code you need is included in that project I linked above.


Sorry, for personal reasons I canceled the group I set up. This is agood lvgl group 686338051. Welcome to join the discussion.
I would be happy to help u.