LittlevGL documentation links may be broken

I am getting some Security certificate issue while opening docs.An hour ago it was working fine.Is there anyone else facing such an issue.

Even after i accept and continue,I get redirected to some weird webpage,which says SORRY.

Yes; this is happening because we are in the process of releasing 7.0. Use this link for 6.1:

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I’ve added a link back to v6.

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I found online font converter and online image converter links are both broken, they both shows " 404 - File Not Found
Controller or its method is not found: App\Controllers\Ttf-font-to-c-array::"

Try these links:

They worked this morning. Hopefully they’ll keep working till the menu items show up.

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I added redirects to the new addresses.

On the new website they are in Developers page.

Can they get a dedicated Tools menu like the old website had? I think it will be a lot harder for new users to find them now.