LGVL project for ESP32 with platformio, menuconfig not showing lgvl node


struggling with my very first LGVL project for ESP32 with platformio on Windows.

Any ideas on that ?

Thanks a lot!

How to make menuconfig work and where to place lv_conf.h ?

What MCU/Processor/Board and compiler are you using?
M5Stack Core ESP32 with platform.io (5.2.5) and ESP-IDF on Win.
lvgl 8.1.0 and lv_drivers 8.1.0 added via platform.io library manager.

platform = espressif32
board = m5stack-core-esp32
framework = espidf
lib_deps = 

What do you want to achieve?
Being able to use menuconfig to configure display.
Placing lv_conf.h somewhere save, so that targets CLEAN or CLEAN ALL does not delete it

What have you tried so far?

  1. /src/lv_conf.sh
    → lv_conf.sh not found,
    → but lv_conf.sh resilient towards CLEAN / CLEAN ALL
    → menuconfig does not have node: Components config->LVGL Configuration

  2. /include/lv_conf.sh
    → lv_conf.sh not found,
    → but lv_conf.sh resilient towards CLEAN / CLEAN ALL
    → menuconfig does not have node: Components config->LVGL Configuration

  3. /.pio/libdeps/m5stack-core-esp32/lvgl/lv_conf.sh
    → lv_conf.sh found,
    → but lv_conf.sh NOT resilient towards CLEAN / CLEAN ALL
    → menuconfig does not have node: Components config->LVGL Configuration
    (and follow-up error: lv_drv_conf.h not found. But I am opening a separate thread for that)

Hi, I’m in the same situation, did you find any solution ?