LCOM: Serial Port Tools based on LVGL (PC Software)
I have always wanted to use LVGL to create a truly PC software, to verify or express the outstanding features of LVGL, and now I have achieved it with LCOM!
The LCOM is an easy to use serial communication terminal program (Based on LVGL!) that transmits and receives bytes to practically any device connected to a PC’s COM port.
Some of the LCOM features include:
- Transmits and receives data in either HEX or ASCII format
- Rrefresh the COM port list in real-time. Selectable COM port settings include baud rate, parity, data bits, stop bit, and Flow control
- scheduled auto send
- CR(\r), LF(\n), CR LF(\r\n)support
- Multiple character encode support(ASII,GBK(Chinese),UTF-8,UTF-16 etc.)
- [ ] Modbus mode support (prepared for the 100ASK STM32H5 modbus tutorial)
- [ ] Sending multiple strings
- [ ] Multiple language support(TODO)
- [ ] configs save and auto load(auto save settings when exit)(TODO)
- [ ] serial auto detect, and remember last selected support
- [ ] serial offline auto reconnect support
- [ ] TCP/UDP support, include client and server mode
- [ ] Custom Theme
- GitHub:
- Gitee:
Source code
Not yet open source (soon)