Inverse colors on cheap yellow display and LVGL 9

What LVGL version are you using?


What do you want to achieve?

I’m totally new in ESP32 and CYD, as well I have basic knowledge of C++. I start with example project that I just doing LVGL demo widgets and start to adopt it for my needs. However, I realised that colors are inverted. It is pretty common problem. However, my code looks little bit different comparing to answers in other topics. So I confused.

What have you tried so far?

I tryied to apply different flags in lv_conf.h

#define LV_COLOR_16_SWAP 0

None of them helps.
Next I found the remmendation to run tft.invertDisplay(1); after tft.init(); but my code looks like operate with highlevel wrapper, so I was not able to implement that.

Next, I have found the recommendation to run lv_draw_sw_rgb565_swap() it in the flush_cb. And implement it - no luck, however not sure if that was implemented correctly.

Code to reproduce

Here is some parts of my code. Setup of TFT.

#include <lvgl.h>
#include <lv_conf.h>

#include <TFT_eSPI.h>
#include <misc/lv_color.h>

#include <XPT2046_Touchscreen.h>

// Standard Libraries
// ----------------------------

#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClientSecure.h>

#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include <StreamUtils.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>

lv_indev_t * indev; //Touchscreen input device
uint8_t* draw_buf;  //draw_buf is allocated on heap otherwise the static area is too big on ESP32 at compile
void setup()
  //Some basic info on the Serial console
  String LVGL_Arduino = "LVGL demo ";
  LVGL_Arduino += String('V') + lv_version_major() + "." + lv_version_minor() + "." + lv_version_patch();
  //Initialise the touchscreen
  touchscreenSpi.begin(XPT2046_CLK, XPT2046_MISO, XPT2046_MOSI, XPT2046_CS); /* Start second SPI bus for touchscreen */
  touchscreen.begin(touchscreenSpi); /* Touchscreen init */
  touchscreen.setRotation(3); /* Inverted landscape orientation to match screen */

  //Initialise LVGL
  draw_buf = new uint8_t[DRAW_BUF_SIZE];
  lv_display_t * disp;
  disp = lv_tft_espi_create(TFT_HOR_RES, TFT_VER_RES, draw_buf, DRAW_BUF_SIZE);

  //Initialize the XPT2046 input device driver
  indev = lv_indev_create();
  lv_indev_set_type(indev, LV_INDEV_TYPE_POINTER);  
  lv_indev_set_read_cb(indev, my_touchpad_read);
  Serial.println( "Setup done" );

void loop()
    lv_tick_inc(millis() - lastTick); //Update the tick timer. Tick is new for LVGL 9
    lastTick = millis();
    lv_timer_handler();               //Update the UI

/* LVGL calls it when a rendered image needs to copied to the display*/
void my_disp_flush( lv_display_t *disp, const lv_area_t *area, uint8_t * px_map)
    /*Call it to tell LVGL you are ready*/
    lv_draw_sw_rgb565_swap(draw_buf, DRAW_BUF_SIZE);

As far as I understand I should place lv_draw_sw_rgb565_swap in my_disp_flush function, which should automaticly called by LVGL as flush function (however, I do not see any binding of that function to LVGL code). But It does not helped. I put simple debug output in that function and there is no ouput as well. So looks like that function is not been called at all. So how could I invert colors in such code?

I’ve been struggling with this same problem on my CYD and tried all of the same settings with no success. I am very curious to see how you get it resolved.
I found a workaround hack to get my image to display properly. I opened my image in Photoshop and inverted the colors. Now when the CYD inverts them, it comes out proper. On Photoshop I used: Image>Adjustments>Invert. I believe GIMP has this feature as well as other image tools.

I ran into the same problem when I tried to get a demo program running on my CYD. For me, the solution was to uncomment the line “#define TFT_INVERSION_ON” in the User_Setup.h inside the display driver (TFT_eSPI) library directory.

The commented lines with the instructions and defines in that file to look for are:

// If colours are inverted (white shows as black) then uncomment one of the next
// 2 lines try both options, one of the options should correct the inversion.


color inversion is a display setting on how the bits are stored in the GRAM of the display. if RGB values are 255, 0, 255 which is 11111111 00000000 11111111 in binary what it does is it stored that binary in the GRAM as 00000000 11111111 00000000 or 0, 255, 0. Some displays want the bits to be flip flopped, not sure why but that’s the way they are.