Image Assets Support Request - EdgeLine

A few things I would like to see:

  1. Delete items from the Asset folder. I did not see a way to do this other than through the file manager.
  2. Open the assets folder in file manager (i.e. Explorer, Files Viewer in Ubuntu)
  3. Support adding SVG files with resizing.

Version 0.3 looks great and I am ready to buy when the release comes out.


First of all thank you for these and other insightful comments.

Both sounds good and seems easy to implement. We’ll try to do them in v1.0.

It’s a little bit more complicated, but thinking about it.

I know that the SVG support is difficult, and could required an SVG renderer. I think what I’m looking for is a way to bring in an SVG image, then specify the size that I want to use. Here’s the problem use-case that I faced:

  • need to add a settings icon to my panel
  • I down load a copy from noun project. For some weird reason, the smallest size in 100x100.
  • I add the .png file to the assets folder
  • I assign to an image button

It’s way to big
I have no way to resize this in EdgeLine

  • I remove the image from the assets folder
  • I resize using other tools to 32x32
  • I re-add the image to the folder.
  • I re-assign the image to the image button

So SVG is a nice way around this - preserving the quality and converting to whatever size I need.

I hope this helps explain the reason for the request.

I see the problem and I agree that it’d be useful.

By “complicated” I meant it would requires a new panel or so in EdgeLine which needs careful design to be future proof. But something like this is definitely on the Roadmap however not for 1.0 :frowning: