Ili9341 C lv_driver not working (SPI itself works)


ili9341 display not working using driver from
I have LCD module 3.2inch SPI Module ILI9341 SKU:MSP3218 - LCD wiki

What MCU/Processor/Board and compiler are you using?

Raspberry Pi Pico W

What do you want to achieve?


What have you tried so far?

Tried to debug SPI with oscilloscope with SPI decode, it showed that data sending functions are working property, I checked that init sequence appearing on MOSI line same as in driver file, so SPI is working.
Tried different driver from and it is semi working - text labels are shown on screen, but text is stretched, like italic, and some horizontal dark stripes - so there should be some problems in code.

Code to reproduce

Original code from getting started section of LVGL 8.3 documentation. Just inserted SPI functions from Raspbery Pi Pico SDK in github . com/lvgl/lv_drivers/blob/master/lv_drv_conf_template.h, and checked - they are working. Basically there are only external functions that called by ili9341 lv_driver:

void ILI9341_WriteByte(uint8_t data)
	spi_set_format(ili9341_spi, 8, SPI_CPOL_1, SPI_CPHA_1, SPI_MSB_FIRST);
	spi_write_blocking(ili9341_spi, &data, sizeof(data));

void ILI9341_WriteArray(uint8_t *buff, size_t buff_size)
	spi_set_format(ili9341_spi, 8, SPI_CPOL_1, SPI_CPHA_1, SPI_MSB_FIRST);
	spi_write_blocking(ili9341_spi, buff, buff_size);

Also lv_drv_conf.h

#define LV_DRV_DISP_CMD_DATA(val)  gpio_put(ili9341_pinDC, val)/*pin_x_set(val)*/    /*Set the command/data pin to 'val'*/
#define LV_DRV_DISP_RST(val)       gpio_put(ili9341_pinRST, val)/*pin_x_set(val)*/    /*Set the reset pin to 'val'*/
#define LV_DRV_DISP_LED(val)          gpio_put(ili9341_pinLED, val)/*spi_cs_set(val)*/     /*Set the SPI's Chip select to 'val'*/

 *  SPI
// #define LV_DRV_DISP_SPI_CS(val)          ILI9341_SetCS(val)/*spi_cs_set(val)*/     /*Set the SPI's Chip select to 'val'*/
#define LV_DRV_DISP_SPI_CS(val)          gpio_put(ili9341_pinCS, val)/*spi_cs_set(val)*/     /*Set the SPI's Chip select to 'val'*/
#define LV_DRV_DISP_SPI_WR_BYTE(data)    ILI9341_WriteByte(data)/*spi_wr(data)*/        /*Write a byte the SPI bus*/
#define LV_DRV_DISP_SPI_WR_ARRAY(adr, n) ILI9341_WriteArray(adr, n)/*spi_wr_mem(adr, n)*/  /*Write 'n' bytes to SPI bus from 'adr'*/

What next debug steps could be?
Can anybody confirm that ILI9341 lv_driver is working?