How to set the text in the middle of the label in vertical direction


I want to set the text in the middle of the label in vertical direction.
In my project, in list, sometiomes I need to add text, so I used lv_list_add_text(list, “TEXT”);
but sometimes, i want to add a bigger size of text, so i modify the library function, to set its height to 40

but “TEXT” is always at the top of label


I know lv_obj_set_style_text_align() is used to set text in the horizontal direction .
So how can i set the text in the middle in vertical direction

I have an idea. At first, create a box by lv_list_add_text, and then use the box as the parent object to create a label. So is there a better way to make it?


What LVGL version are you using?

Thanks for your help