How to register edgeline

Enter the registration interface, enter the information and click the registration button. It will jump to a page to show 404. Can’t find the page, what can I do? Can you fix this problem, or don’t force edgeline to log in to use it

face the same problem,404 page

Just to be sure, you mean this page and button, right?

yes!same problem too

yes!same problem too

I guess you are all Chinese users.We have the same problem

I am located in Taiwan, I can login edgeline.

We have just found Google’s Recaptcha is blocked by the Chinese firewall.

People suggested that to change to h-captcha because it should work in China too.

Now all the forms are updated the h-captcha, could you test if it works now?

Regist page is ok, but i use the registed account login edgeline is still failed

it’s ok now



Great, thanks! We are investigating the login issue too.

Someone outside China has issues with the login as well?

What error message do you see?

We found your email address in the database but it’s in “pending” state which means you haven’t clicked the verification link. Have you received it?

Thanks, now i can use it

It was the verification email?
