How to port SHARP MIP driver to lvgl_esp32_drivers and display lvgl demo

What MCU/Processor/Board and compiler are you using?

esp32s3 esp-idf:v5.1.1 LVGL:v8.3.10

What do you want to achieve?

From lv_drivers migrate SHARP MIP driver to lvgl_esp32_drivers and display lvgl demo correctly

What have you tried so far?

From lv_drivers migrate sharp_mip.c and sharp_mip.h to lvgl_esp32_drivers, modify the corresponding cmakelists.txt, lvgl_helper.c and other related files, set and select the corresponding hardware and spi pins, initialize in main, and modify the data sending function to the corresponding disp_spi The function in .c, after doing this, the screen did not respond.

Code to reproduce

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The code block(s) should be between ```c and ``` tags:

/*You code here*/

Screenshot and/or video

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