How to integrate RT-Thread-i2c-LVGL project to LVGL design screen using RT-Thread studio Ide


I stay doing a project using stm32f469 discovery kit

I have the screen below that I will do in LVGL

I have an external i2c driver which I already integrated into RT-Thread (via rt-thread studio ide) as well as I already added the LVGL lib to my project

At this point, as you may already know, the main.c and arduino_main.cpp files were created in my project in the rt-thread studio ide. This already works.

The question now is how to integrate the design (pictured below) with the code (main.c and arduino_main.cpp)?

I need tips, tutorials, etc…

I reccomend to use SquareLine Studio and integrate exported code to your project. In SLS, you can asssign functiion cals to buttons, so you have to then just write those functions :wink:

As you can see from the photos below, I now have the project exported. How to connect the two projects (main.c and arduino_main.cpp - RT-THREAD IDE Project) and main.c, etc…(Squareline_Studio ide)?

Rt-thread Part

Squareline Part

I don’t really understand the problem. All you need is adding the ui files into the “ui” folder and call ui_init(). What is the problem with that?

I threw the ui files to ui folder. As shown at the end of this video: Create an Impressive UI in 10 Minutes without Images | SquareLine Studio - YouTube

And now ? How to throw these files into RT-THREAD IDE/OS and make the function calls?

I think you are looking for answers at the wrong place. Your problem seems to be related to the RT-thread Studio IDE, not LVGL. Maybe you can find help from their discussion group.

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