How to implement a tree like directory?

I want to achieve a tree like display effect as shown in the figure, which can be expanded or collapsed. My application is simpler with only one layer of sub nodes, clicking on them and displaying data in the text area on the right, without requiring file operations.

Hi @gui_lvgl ,

There is not currently a widget exactly like you have shown, if you are able and interested in contributing one that would be very helpful for the community for sure.

There is also file browser which is being incorporated into the current development branch which started out life as a version 8 project which you may be able to use instead, check the original post here.

I believe the plan is to incorporate this as a extended widget in the release of version 9 once complete. If you are wanting to release you project soon, I would look at using the original version 8 implementation…

I hope that helps.

Kind Regards,


I have already used tableview to implement my application, and I will try some research. I also hope that the new widget will be released as soon as possible.