How to create a clock?

It works well for me with the latest version:


Hi Hadi_Bashniji
Thank you first for your routine code,The routine may run normally,But loading images from the outside does not work properly,as follows
lv_img_set_src(lvSecond, “P:/second_icon.bin”);
The second_icon.bin is loaded from the file system,then Second icon.bin works statically on image controls, How do you load an image from the file system and rotate it,Looking forward to your reply,thanks again!

Hi I did a PlatformIO Project and published it on github it’s written for the ESP-WROVER-KIT 4.1 espidf
but it should be easy to make it work with your MCU
IT’s not perfect but it works, it’s my fiddle Project Folder so don’t care of all the garbage in this .
