Help to figure out how to get LVGL 8.4.0 to install with ESP-IDF


What MCU/Processor/Board and compiler are you using?

Heltec ESP32 WiFi Kit v3 (ESP32 S3)

What do you want to achieve?

Be able to build the app I’m developing on Windows.

What have you tried so far?

I’ve been successful at building the project on multiple Mac machines and at least one Windows machine but not on all Windows machines.

Code to reproduce

I’ve got a project where on my Mac, it’s pulling in the expected v8.4.0 of LVGL but when a friend deletes the managed_components directory on Windows and tries to build again, it’s pulling in v9.1 of LVGL. LVGL v9.1 has some changes that don’t seem to want to compile with my current code. How do I force it to use LVGL v8.4.0?

Here’s my main/idf_component.yml file:

## IDF Component Manager Manifest File
  lvgl/lvgl: "^8.4.0"
  espressif/esp_lvgl_port: "^2.2.2"
  ## Required IDF version
    version: ">=4.1.0"

Any ideas on what else I might be able to try? I’m using ESP-IDF v5.3.

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