Fs_open() runs per 1s, which leads to the img.bin opening again and again


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In my LVGL_v8 project, the 1s timer is used to update one label text. And a picture is displayed use:
lv_img_set_src(ui->screen_img_1, “0:xxx.bin”);
I found that the fs_open() runs per 1s, which leads to the img.bin opening again and again.
But this wouldn’t happen in LVGL_v7 project, and fs_open() runs only once.
That confused me!

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/*You code here*/

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The image source won’t stay in ram,are you sure the open run once in v7

Yeap, I test it again, and the open run once in v7. In my view, LVGL shouldn’t refresh the image area if it has no change.

I got it. In my lvgl 8, LV_IMG_CACHE_DEF_SIZE is 0 , but the default value is 1 in lvgl 7.
But why ?