The display shows several Image buttons. As long a button is pressed or an external input is active, a different symbol for the image button is shown.
What MCU/Processor/Board and compiler are you using?
Custom NXP LPC54618 board with TFT LCD-Display 16 bit RGB Interface, Resolution 800 x 480 Pixel.
MCUExpresso V11.5 with gcc Compiler.
LVGL software (master) from github, the processor interface is used from the NXP LVGL SDK example.
What do you want to achieve?
The update of data at the start of memory from Framebuffer is wrong (adressing / buffer problem)
What have you tried so far?
If lv_disp_drv_init() is called with direct_mode = 1 all works correct.
Because I want to rotate the screen, I can`t use the direct_mode.
I have also used two buffers, the effect was the same (also in direct_mode = 1).
On the picture you can the that the first lines shows garbage.
I have another understandig for this problem. It makes a difference when a object is created.
If I call the following function before any “lv_task_handler();”, the display shows the Imagebutton correct.
If this function ic called after “lv_task_handler();” the Imagebutton is not shown and garbage occurs at the beginning of the framebuffer (see picture above).
Now if have tested all combinations of direct_mode and full_refresh.
If not rotate, all combinations with the exeption of (.direct_mode = 0) and (.full_refresh = 0) are working correct.
Rotate in (direct_mode = 1) is not possible.
If rotate and (.direct_mode = 0) and (.full_refresh = 0) there is the same wrong result as without rotate.
If rotate and (.direct_mode = 1) and (.full_refresh = 0) there is a mismatch after pressing a key.
This picture shows the start screen
If a key is pressed, this Imagebutton toggles and shows the new image. But the rest of the screen is shown as the start screen without rotate. The following picture shows the screen during pressing the button.
After release the button, the start screen is shown correct but the pressed Imagebutton is shown on the old position without rotating.