For those people that want to know about performance with LVGV

I came across this document and I found the information in it very educating. It explains the mechanics of rendering, display buffers and transferring those buffers to the display. It explains the benefits of using DMA memory and also using accelerators. It also shows what the actual kind of improvements in performance can be had by using DMA, accelerator and both.

The document also goes into optimization of the frame buffer size.

It is not a light read and it’s 130 pages long. I suggest people read this because it is a real eye opener of what is involved in LVGL and the amount of work that has been put into making LVGL.

I want to say TY to all of the people (past, present and future) that have working on LVGL and made it what it is today. I cannot even imagine the number of hours that has been spent working on it.


It’s amazing! A master thesis you LVGL! It looks very detailed and useful. Thank you for sharing!

And yes, thank you for all the contributors who helped to make LVGL this great! :blush:

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The person that wrote that Thesis did a good job with it. It really explains the performance aspects of LVGL and what it does internally. The best part is it really shows the performance gains gotten from using DMA memory, 2D hardware acceleration and DMA with acceleration together. They did a good job at making it understandable by most.